What is a pull request (PR)?


This term’s been thrown around at work, where I work close to the tech team. I’ve tried asking but it seems like something that’s too complicated to explain simply.

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To explain a PR, we need a little bit of background information of GIT.

Imagine your coworker is working on a Document and you’d like a copy, but you don’t want him to stop working on the document.
Using GIT you can easily copy (branch/fork) his document to your own desk, and start working on the document without interfering with his document.

Now after some time, your happy with your document and you want your coworker to use your changes as well. This is when you can create a PR (Pull Request) to his document, so he can review your changes before allowing them. After he is satisfied with the changes, he can aprove the PR, and Merge (also merge in git) your changes to his document.

This way you can both keep on working on the same document, without depending on each other.
There are a lot of different ways of implementing GIT, and working with GIT but this is a general overview.

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