What is a route leak in networking?


What is a route leak in networking?

In: 3

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When computers communicate to each other over the internet, they don’t send messages directly (as they are not directly connected), but the data is sent through a number of hops or intermediary hosts. (Called routers.)

Often, the complete patch from A to B has a number of internal hops and a lot of external ones.

If the internal hops/routers are visible, this is called a route leak, and attackers can use it to gain insight in the internal network to plan future attacks.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When computers communicate to each other over the internet, they don’t send messages directly (as they are not directly connected), but the data is sent through a number of hops or intermediary hosts. (Called routers.)

Often, the complete patch from A to B has a number of internal hops and a lot of external ones.

If the internal hops/routers are visible, this is called a route leak, and attackers can use it to gain insight in the internal network to plan future attacks.

Anonymous 0 Comments

a route leak is when a network jumps between multiple routers, and one of them gets compromised in a way that makes the data going trhough visible, resulting in a leak, hence the route leak

Anonymous 0 Comments

a route leak is when a network jumps between multiple routers, and one of them gets compromised in a way that makes the data going trhough visible, resulting in a leak, hence the route leak