What is a script blocker and what does it do?


Also, how does it work and what are some examples of it?

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A webpage generally consists of four things:

– Html: it describes the structure and the content of a webpage
– Css: it describes how a webpage looks
– Javascript: it adds behavior to a website
– Static assets: images, videos, sounds etc.

A script blocker will block Javascript from running.

Why you would use a script blocker:

– less load on your system, since complex and poorly written Javascript can use a lot of resources
– some people don’t want third party scripts running on their system without their explicit permission. This is mostly out of principe
– some people want to block only certain scripts like the ones that track you or collect data from you
– although modern browsers are *very* secure (if kept up to date!!), some people are afraid that some malicious script will do harm to them or their devices

Why you don’t want to use a script blocker:

– modern websites use a lot a Javascript for even their basic functionalities. Some doesn’t even load at all without Javascript enabled or if it’s blocked

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