What is a sensory overload for an autistic person? How does it affect them and their ability to function?


I understand that they get them but what happens exactly to them?

In: Biology

29 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you’re at the store and suddenly the lights start flashing on and off really fast and you start hearing one of those car alarms that changes every few seconds but there’s 10 of them at a time, also there’s a 3 year old following you around crying really loud and tugging on your shirt, and you’re trying to read the label on the bread but it’s hard bc the lights keep flashing and you can’t focus bc the car alarms and the obnoxious kid. Everyone else is going about their day just fine, telling you to tune it out, but how are you supposed to tune out this madness? It’s driving you up the fucking wall and you can’t get a break so you suffer til you can’t take it anymore and leave without getting bread

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