what is a syllable?


ive been taking syllables for years now, probably since first or second grade, but i don’t understand what a syllable is. i know it’s like a word split into parts or something like that (cant word it properly), but why? am i going to use this in the future, how do i split the word into sound parts? how do i count syllables? i cant figure out, and i haven’t understood it for a long time.

In: Other

5 Answers

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A syllable is an action your mouth takes to form a word or part of a word and what is used to count steps in poetry. It has a lot to do with how vowels interact with consonants.

Time = 1 syllable
Timer = 2 syllables

Adding 1 consonant increases the number of syllables because it changed how we speak a vowel

Become = 2 syllables
Becoming = 3 syllables

Be come
Be com ing

Adding a suffix to this word increases the number of syllables or actions the mouth/tongue/throat need to perform.

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