what is a syllable?


ive been taking syllables for years now, probably since first or second grade, but i don’t understand what a syllable is. i know it’s like a word split into parts or something like that (cant word it properly), but why? am i going to use this in the future, how do i split the word into sound parts? how do i count syllables? i cant figure out, and i haven’t understood it for a long time.

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

it’s easiest when you read something outloud or sound it in your head.

i havent looked up the actual definition of what a syllable is but i would imagine it’d be something along the lines of when the sound is broken by a consonant or something like that.

out-loud = 2 syllables

syl – la – bles = 3 syllables

ion (sounded eye-yun) is 2 syllables, consonant sound despite i and o being both vowels.

con ver sa tion. 4 syllables.

su per ca li fra gi lis tic ex pi a li do cious = 14 syllables

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