What is actually happening when you drink something and it get’s “caught” in your chest/throat and it’s really painful?


What is actually happening when you drink something and it get’s “caught” in your chest/throat and it’s really painful?

In: Biology

11 Answers

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I have enosinophillia esophogitis.

When I eat a trigger food (for me; fish, milk, whole potato, dense meat, dry food, verry hot or cold food) my esophagus, the “food tube” swells and blocks the passage of food. This can be painful and some times, if gone untreated for the condition, needs an emergency endoscopy to push the food down into your stomach… Or you’ll die of dehydration,… Or the impacted food pressing into the walls of your esophogus could slowly eroad the lining of your painfully swollen food shoot until you start to bleed to death.

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