What is actually happening when you get a kink in your neck, and why can they sometimes last for 5 minutes or 5 hours?


You know when you first feel that twinge and you’re scared to move either way for a brief second. Why is that spasm set off sometimes and not other times.

In: Biology

7 Answers

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There’s kind of two different scenarios. One is when you muscles pull, that will feel like a Charlie horse in your neck, or if you have over worked it, it will hurt when you move and turn your head etc. The other scenario is a what us Physical Therapists call a “facet lock” where your spine is slightly out of alignment. That can be caused by a strain, it will feel like you have a “lock” or “block” that mechanically you can’t move a certain way. The strain should resolve with stretching or heat or just when the muscle calms down. The facet lock will have to resolve spontaneously or with a manual therapy or manipulation by a practitioner such as a PT or chiro.

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