What is actually happening when you get a kink in your neck, and why can they sometimes last for 5 minutes or 5 hours?


You know when you first feel that twinge and you’re scared to move either way for a brief second. Why is that spasm set off sometimes and not other times.

In: Biology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Soft tissues in your neck get squeezed around, moved and pinched between the joints in your neck. If they bulge far enough they could possibly pinch a nerve and that’s when you get pain in your shoulder blade, shoulder and down towards your hand. The tissue might only move a little or a lot. If it’s bad enough and bulges a lot it can obstruct your movement and be hard to reduce unless you know how to treat/help someone. Other times it may be only a little displacement and probably goes away on its own with just general activities of daily living. This is very distilled down to keep it simple but it boils down to soft tissue getting moved around and pushing on surrounding tissues creating pain and stiffness. Source: I am a conservative orthopedic specialist and treat these problems for a living.

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