What is an integration test?


I’ve recently become aware of a company that was running an integration test, but the test went out to all users in the production environment. What type of test is this?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The HBO integration test email, by any chance?

Like others have said, there are different meanings. Usually integrations refer to two or more different systems talking to each other. For example, you might have a 3rd party company that sends out bulk emails.

To use them, they give you something called an “API” which is sort of like the control panel on a vending machine. On a vending machine, you put in some money and press the button for what you want, and the vending machine does a bunch of stuff and spits out that item you wanted.

In the computer world, you have computers that offer services (like sending bulk emails). So instead of putting in money and punching buttons, you put in a list of a million email addresses, and the message you want to send to all of them (all of this goes into that “API”). Then that service does the job you requested.

So an integration is usually just one computer system talking to another one’s API. And in this case, someone probably sent over a list of real customer email addresses instead of the list of test email addresses.

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