What is an IP address, subnet, and gateway?


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In: Technology

8 Answers

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IP address is the unique number associated with one connection to the Internet – like the address on your house is the unique number associated with your home’s place on earth.

The gateway is the address you have to send things to get them out of your subnet and into the broader Internet.

The subnet is a mask, which is used to calculate which addresses on the network are on your subnet, to which you can communicate directly, and which are not on your subnet, with which you must communicate through your gateway.

Your subnet mask is a binary number starting with ones, and ending with zeros. It is applied over a binary representation of an ip address, and your ip address. The ones allow the number through the mask, zeros do not. Any address that matches yours when this is done is on your subnet. For example: subnet mask

11000000 10101000 00000001 00001100

11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000

So the result is

11000000 10101000 00000001 00000000

Which is

Therefore any address that starts 192.168.1.x is on your subnet

Short version of subnet – a subnet is like the neighbourhood your house is in, and the subnet mask is a key to calculate who else is in your neighborhood based on your address.

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