What is ChatGPT?


What is ChatGPT?

In: 9

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ll let ChapGPT to answer for me (this answer is not meant to actually ELI5 but to illsutrate how would GPT answer).

Input: ELI5 What is ChatGPT?

Output: ChatGPT is a type of natural language processing (NLP) model that is trained to generate human-like responses to text input. It is based on the GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer 3) model, which is a large-scale language model trained using a vast amount of text data. ChatGPT is specifically designed to be used in chat applications, where it can generate responses to user input in a conversational manner. It uses the input text and context from the conversation to generate appropriate responses, which can make the conversation more natural and engaging. By using ChatGPT, developers can create chat applications that can generate responses to user input in a more human-like way.

Anonymous 0 Comments

ChatGPT is a chatbot that is designed to be as helpful as possible, while trying to remain quite safe (it won’t let you ask about harmful/illegal things) and serious .

I see others asked the chatbot to explain itself, but it didn’t seem to understand the “ELI5” prompt. Here’s another attempt at getting ChatGPT to explain itself:

**My Input**: *Pretend I’m 10 years old and explain: what is ChatGPT*

**ChatGPT’s Output**: *ChatGPT is a program that uses artificial intelligence to have conversations with people. It works by looking at the words that you type and trying to figure out what you might be asking or talking about. Then, it uses what it knows to try to come up with a response that makes sense and continues the conversation. ChatGPT is like a very smart robot that can understand what you’re saying and come up with answers on its own. It’s not a real person, though, so it doesn’t have feelings or thoughts like a human does. It’s just a computer program that can mimic human conversation. Does that make sense? Let me know if you have any other questions.*

Anonymous 0 Comments

Be skeptical of some screenshots you’ve seen there. People are faking or feeding responses it doesn’t generate.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To expand on what everyone else said, it’s part of a broader trend in AI. Large language models like GPT 3 (which powers chatGPT) are progressing rapidly and are capable of more and more sophisticated outputs. Not just limited to human language, these models are also capable of producing computer code, music, and multi-media. Image generators like Stable Diffusion are closely related to large language models (using similar machine learning architectures like transformers), and typically use an NLP model to process the natural language input.

So, chatGPT is just one of the latest examples of a rapidly evolving field of generative AI models. We’re not close to true sentience or anything, but many luminaries believe that the concepts underpinning these models will probably be a component of general artificial intelligence.