– What is CRM (customer relationship management)?


I think I get the gist of it. It’s usually a tool that people can use to send newsletters to their customers for example… And schedule sales meetings and the like? But why do you need a specific tool for this? Would be great if someone could explain the basics of CRM in general

In: 7

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I work for a SalesForce competitor – basically our software integrates with outlook and takes information about contact with customers to generate leads for sales teams. You can feed our ML model a year of sales and it will spit back which customers are most likely to renew, who is cross-shopping, etc.

Your CRM can do more things, that is Salesforce’s schtick, like it can be the ‘framework’ for a service desk where customers enter tickets for repairs or whatever.

Really, CRM means something a little different to everyone who considers it, but in round terms you are answering ‘how do we deal with customers or potential customers throughout their relationship with this company.’ That can be deep, like your CRM tracks the entire thing. You are spending millions with Salesforce for middling performance. It can be simple sales leads and tracking.

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