What is diarrhea doing to make your bowel movements frequent and watery?


What is diarrhea doing to make your bowel movements frequent and watery?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Diarrhea isn’t the cause, it’s the effect. Your bowels are being stimulated to push everything through faster than normal- this could be a response many things, like ingestion of a toxin/irritant or stimulation of the smooth muscles in your intestinal walls by a stimulant.

Your large intestine is where absorption of water takes place, and by passing everything through faster, the bowels aren’t able to absorb water fast enough to keep everything solid. As a result, you get diarrhea.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your large intestine is trying to recover water from your bowel movements. If your gut brain thinks there’s something wrong in there like a toxin or bugs, it presses the ‘abort’ button and just sends everything out without extracting that water.