what is done to botox to make it „safe“ to inject into someone?


I just learned that botox is so toxic that it makes sarin gas look breathable, in fact according to the wikipedia list of toxins ordered by toxicity it is the single most dangerous toxin to life as we know it in the universe so far.

What on earth is done to it so that it can be injected into someones cheeks?

In: 279

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nothing is done to it!

It is injected in very small quantities, inside the face, specifically because it cause muscle paralysis. When the small face muscle can’t move anymore, then the skin doesn’t fold and wrinkle anymore.

Doctor do so in an extremely control way as to not damage anything and not paralyze anything needed to survive.

It’s a procedure that been perfected over time.

Edit to add: As people have mentionned below, it can also be used for tons of medically valid reasons and saves lives everyday, but my response was about cosmetics injections primarily.

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