What is Enthalpy and Entropy?


Thanks in advance, I wants to understand the concept and not just know the equations!

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4 Answers

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Chemical processes change the energy of two pots, enthalpy and entropy. While the first is not dependent on temperature where you run this reaction in, the second is. The first is how much energy your molecules store in bonds. Some bonds between atoms are much more stable, so upon forming them they release the difference as enthalpy change, ultimately heat that you can measure. This alone, however doesn’t tell you if the reaction does occur spontaneously. For that, both terms in their sum need to be negative. Entropy is that second term, it tells you how much order you lost. It’s a bit more than that, but in the end the system wants to increase states that you cannot tell apart from each other when you swap the position of two members, such as molecules flying in your room. Only if you create more stable molecules and increase chaos, the reaction will occur spontaneously.
Since entropy depends on temperature, there are some funny reactions that only occur at very low or very high temperatures

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