What is “fresh air”? Is air not just air?


What is “fresh air”? Is air not just air?

In: Earth Science

6 Answers

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The concept of “fresh air” is a Victorian one. The Victorians were terrified of suffocating in their houses – even though studies have shown that their houses were far more draughty than our modern houses with our well-sealed doors and double-glazing and proper waterproofing, and modern houses experience a complete change in air every thirty minutes whether we want to or not.

The general medical advice in the 1800s was to always leave at least one window open (regardless of weather) to allow “fresh air” to circulate and avoid suffocation. This was especially important for children.

Fresh air has maintained its reputation for health benefits, but its meaning has changed slightly over 200 years. Now, it means “air without pollution” instead of “air containing oxygen.”

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