What is “front” vs “back end” in programming?


What is “front” vs “back end” in programming?

In: Technology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Front end is what the user sees and interacts with. Like Reddit, the layout is front end.

Backend is everything you don’t see and will never notice

Anonymous 0 Comments

Frontend is the client side. It is the part of a website or an app that a user interacts with. Put simply, it is everything you see when you browse a website or use an app.

Backend is the server side. It is the part of the website or app that you cannot see and interact with. It is the portion of software that does not come in direct contact with the users.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of it like a library. The books are the front end. The shelves and ordering system the library uses are the back end.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The “Front” end is what the user sees. It looks pretty, and in retail stores would be what we call “the storefront”

The “Back” end is where the processing, logic and other stuff happens. In a retail store we talk about “the back room” where the employees go to do busy work, where the supplies stockpile is kept, and keep the business running.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Front end is what you can see. Html, css, javascript. Back end is how it works. SQL, Rest, algorithms, class structures.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Frontend consist of (HTML, CSS & JavaScript) everything you see on the screen when you open up a web page (including animation, designs or interaction) is the part of front end.

for the Backend – the input you enter goes through the backend to verify or for the CRUD ( Create Read Update Delete ) operations. code for the backend progamming isn’t visible on the page source but you can read or copy the source code of the frontend.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The front end is all the stuff that users interact with. The back end is all the stuff that does the actual work, but the user doesn’t get to directly see.

Imagine it like a restaurant. The wait staff and the dining room are the front end, while the back end is the kitchen.

This division is most obvious in web-based software, where the front end is the webpages that the users get to see, and the javascript programs that run in them. The back end is all the software that runs on the servers that the companies own.