What is Genetic Geneology?


More specifically how does it get false matches?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is pretty simple. It’s a combination of traditional genealogy and genetic analysis. Your DNA is a combination of your parents, and each of theirs is a combination of your grandparents. And so on. So, companies like Ancestry run your DNA through some tests and give you not only your likely ethnicity breakdown, but also finds people already in Ancestry that may be relatives because of similar DNA. For example, I have about 400 3rd and 4th cousins to delve through and verify, after having my DNA analyzed by Ancestry. It’s becoming more prevalent in solving cold murder cases where the perpetrator may have left DNA at the scene but is not in the database that is used by law enforcement. What happens here is that experts find ancestors of the perp based on the DNA and then work forward looking at all the descendants. There is a TV show called Genetic Detective that deals with several cold cases that have been solved this way. It’s eye opening.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your dads, dads, dads, dads,dads, dads, dads, dads, dads dads, dads, dads, dad. And your moms, moms, moms, moms, moms, moms, moms, moms, moms, moms, moms, mons , mom. It’s as simple and yet way more complex than that. The hard is that some stuff made it to you, some real good, some real bad. Some good, slightly to way higher intelligence than average, some bad, you NEED glasses or hearing aids to assist in your day to day life.