What Is Green Hydrogen, And What Are Its Use Cases?


Edit: Thanks for all the answers and the effort to answer this trendy “sciency” question.

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5 Answers

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Normal fossil fuels are mostly carbon (**C**) and burned with Oxygen (**O**) and have things like carbon-dioxide (**CO2**) as waste.

You can alternatively burn Hydrogen (**H**) and get **H2O** as a waste product. H2O is water.

Water is a lot greener as waste goes that CO2.

Even better while carbon based fossil fuels like coal and gas an oil have to be dug or pumped out of the ground. Hydrogen can be made from water and electricity.

This means that you use hydrogen more like battery than a fuel.

Still if you use solar or wind power to make hydrogen and than later burn the hydrogen for power that is green.

One downside is that hydrogen and oxygen can react quite explosively. You have to work hard to get diesel to explode, but all it takes for hydrogen is a spark.

This is no complete argument against it but it seems hydrogen gets mostly pushed by companies who missed the switch to battery electric tech.

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