What is happening internally while a child’s body experiences a growth spurt?


What causes the growth to happen at a rapid pace?

Follow-up: What is happening when a child’s physical growth seems to plateau for a while, before it starts rapidly growing again?

Edit: added “what” to the follow-up

In: Biology

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Children’s brains and bodies develop in different incriminates depending on where they’re at with childhood and puberty.

Growth spurts are when human growth hormone is triggered which stimulates bone growth. Some kids claim this is painful – I was one of those kids. Despite some aches it’s normally a fairly straight forward for most people. The heigh and shape of their bodies will be decided mainly by genetics so unfortunately the height you reach is the height you reach.

As far as I’m aware “growth spurts” are fairly random throughout childhood then slow down during puberty. As long as a child is healthy, active, sleeps well and has a good diet then they’ll grow. Complications such as hormonal issues, malnutrition or drug abuse can cause stunted growth.

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