what is happening to make someone feel like death after drinking too much?


what is happening to make someone feel like death after drinking too much?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

when you have enough alcohol in your blood to cause a hangover, your body has to put in some extra work to return the affected organ systems to basal function. for instance, excess alcohol leads to dehydration and results in increased production of antidiuretic hormone (so you don’t piss out as much water). another prominent effect of alcohol involves disrupted cytokine pathways (which play a key role in the immune system). there are obviously many other things that occur, these are just examples

in short, you feel like death bc of the alcohol itself and you feel more like death bc of your body’s effort to make you feel less like death

Anonymous 0 Comments

When drinking, your body thinks its over hydrated (why you pee so much when you drink) so youre actually getting rid of water and not replacing it.
When you wake up in the morning (if you didn’t down a pint or 2 of water before bed) you’re severely dehydrated which makes your body fucky.

Sugary mixers like coca-cola, sprite etc… don’t help either adding to the headache.

Tl;dr – alcohol makes your body fucky

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dehydration and mineral deficiency. Your body has to put a lot of effort into breaking down alcohol, and for that it needs a lot of water. This water turns into urine quite quickly, and takes away salts and other minerals, too. Apart from that, you would probably feel like shit anyways at 9AM after a long night of dancing and doing other stupid shit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you metabolize Alcohol, one step in the process is it being turned into a chemical called acetaldehyde. This is believe to be one of the big contributors to hangovers, along with dehydration and stuff. Your body has an enzyme that breaks it down, but it can only work so quickly. In large enough concentrations, especially people who suffer from Alcohol Flush Reaction, it can cause stuff like nausea, redness of the face, shortness of breath and other stuff.

Oh and then eventually, you know, worshipping the porcelain gods.