What is histomorphological classification?


Context: Histogenomic biomarker identification on biopsies, using immunohistochemistry and AI assisted histomorphological classification

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I’m no expert in this specific technique but histology is the study of tissues on the body, and morphology refers to the shape of things. So ‘AI assisted morphological classification’ would mean some form of classifying samples by looking at how the cells in the samples are shaped and how they are arranged in reference to each other. You tell a computer for example “I’m looking for a rounded cell with a nucleus that’s about 50% of the cell size, and it’s usually found near a blood vessel” and the computer analyses the cells in the sample, determines what could be a blood vessel, then examines the surrounding cells for one that fits your criteria.

All in all it looks like the authors of this paper (I’m assuming that’s where you got it from) were looking for a specific type of cell in a sample, and used both the shape of those cells and the tissue, and bio markers found on that specific cell type but not surrounding cells, to identify the cell type they were looking for.