what is HLD and LLD?


Related to software design architecture. As a project manager, what can I expect to manage for the team to deliver?.

In: Technology

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It relates to the level of design, High level design vs low level design.

Lets say you are making an e-comerace website. There’s lots of elements that might need to be included, such as the ability to process credit cards.

That is high level design. We say “here in this design is where we process credit cards”. But at a low level we haven’t really discussed the details of processing credit cards, how do we take the number from the user, do we store it, where do we send it, what encryption is used, how do we verify if the charge was accepted or not.

So when you are designing software you would start with HLD and basically map out the basic bones of the software. As time moves on you add more and more detail to those designs until eventually you arrive at a point where you are actually designing the details of the design, that would be lower level design.