What is hot and cold?


We can feel heat and cold but we can’t really see it. What is actually happening and why do we prefer a specific temperature?

In: Physics

7 Answers

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Temperature is pretty much quantifying the average kinetic energy of molecules/atoms in a substance. So the hotter the substance, the faster its molecules are moving around. Some molecules are fast/slow but the average will be higher.

When that substance comes into contact with something, the molecules of the two substances will start colliding. Whichever molecule is moving faster (hotter substance) will transfer energy to the slower one (colder substance) gradually as the fast molecules hit slow ones.

As far as preferring a temperature, it just has to do with how your cells function. I’m not sure on the specifics, but if cells get too hot or cold the proteins within them can get screwed up, or regulation of nutrients can go haywire.

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