What is hysteresis?


What is hysteresis?

In: Engineering

3 Answers

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Imagine you push your hand through a pool of water in one direction. There will be a wave one one side of your hand. Say, the left for this example.

Now, push your hand in the other direction. The wave will be on the right of your hand.

Your hand can be in the same place in both directions, but the effect of your hand being there (the wave) will be different. So, say your hand is at the midpoint. Wave 1 will be slightly to the left, wave 2 will be slightly to the right.

Essentially, the same absolute position (in a physical system) might not create the same output if travelling in the opposite, or a different, direction.

Edit: if you want a specific example for a certain type of engineering, feel free to ask and I will try ELY5 for it.

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