what is inertia and why does it happen?


what is inertia and why does it happen?

In: Physics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When it comes to movements, things typically want to keep doing what they’re doing. So a thing that’s not moving wants to stay not-moving, a thing that’s moving wants to continue moving, etc.

That’s inertia.

Let’s take the not-moving thing. Say it’s a block. Say it takes, oh, one Solarw0lf of energy to move this block from not-moving to moving. That’s more than it would take to keep the block moving (given friction, air resistance, etc, it could get a lot more complicated). But, generally, keeping the block moving would take significantly less than one Solarw0lf of energy because once the block is moving, it wants to stay moving.

Because that’s inertia.

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