What is it about tobacco that causes its smoke to seep into walls and linger when other burnt plant material does not (at least not nearly to the same degree)?


Marijuana, smudging sage or cedar, paper, incense, etc have a pretty strong smell but they dissipate much faster than tobacco smoke especially cigar smoke

In: 652

64 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

they don’t dissipate faster. The tars found in nicotine stain quicker and the smell is more acrid, but the smell of MJ and the tars from MJ definitely do stain. the main difference is, usually tobacco users smoke far more frequently than stoners. and with todays modern smoking devices, they could be smoking concentrates, vaporizing, etc. but rest assured, the “resin” that builds up in smoking devices, definitely gets deposited on walls and drapes and clothes and fingers.

Paper also definitely stains if the smoke touches a surface. If you burn cardboard, your clothes will smell like burnt cardboard until they are washed. and buildups of particulates will stain porous and non porous materials. Playdough was invented to clean soot particulate from coal, wood, etc from wall paper in the olden days

Anonymous 0 Comments

People smoke cigarettes far more often than weed and each cigarette would be a decent sized personal joint so the amount of smoke is probably much greater with tobacco user than weed smokers.

Home that use incense definitely smell like incense.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For mj I’ve found it tends to relate to how your consuming it, if you’re smoking a joint the smell tends to linger a lot longer than a bong or vaporizer.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just because you can’t smell the Marijuana…. let me tell you, everyone else can. Really it’s just as bad but people burn more ciggs than other substances

Anonymous 0 Comments

1 – people smoke a LOT and continuously

2 – tobacco has a particularly strong odor, like incense

3 – bet the tar helps it stick to stuff

Anonymous 0 Comments

Now that I don’t smoke weed anymore, i can smell it on people in stores or outside houses where people are smoking – certainly lingering in homes. Admittedly nowhere near as bad as cigarettes

Anonymous 0 Comments

The nicotine in the cigarette is actually a pesticide. That chemical compound permeates things. Yes, a pesticide.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Couple of years back when Texas lost power because of stupid…that February, the kid and I were stuck with no power and had to cook over a fire in the fireplace. I had a bunch of mesquite in the back yard and quickly converted my gas fireplace to wood burning. Got a pan and made some soup. I probably used the pan 5 times in the fire during those few days, but the smell of that mesquite stayed for months. My kid would regularly ask me to use the pan to make the smoky soup because it actually tasted very different, cooked over that flame verses on the stove. Maybe it was just the smell, but months later, it still seemed to impart a small flavor to things if you used that pan. eventually it wore totally off and now, it’s just a pan. So I think it’s an issue of persistence. Cigarette smoke tends to be persistent. Smoky mesquite soup pan has lost all memory of that fireplace and the yummy mesquite flavored soup now because we only used it 5 times.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Smoke in general doesn’t just generate solid dusty debris like ash, but also liquid vapors which contain tar and other chemicals that stick to and soak into surfaces,

This includes cigarette smoke, which also includes chemicals like nicotine. The nicotine intake from inhaling cigarette smoke is actually a vapor that is mixed in with the smoke.

The tar and liquids in smoke actually do more direct damage to the lungs than the solids.

This is how vaporizers work. They just vaporize the nicotine without burning anything along with flavorings and water vapor. They do not produce the tar or carbon monoxide that cigarettes do.


Over time, these liquids build up creating a foul smelling film that gets into everything the smoke touches. Mostly the tar in particular.

When you see the discoloration on the walls in a smoker’s home, this is what it is, the tar and vapor elements of the smoke, and it is what generates most of the smell that lingers long term.

It’s why the yellow/brown film that you see in homes where smokers have lived is so sticky. It’s a huge pain to clean up, and is similar to trying to clean tree sap off of something.

Other particles will stick to it as well, so there is a fair bit of solids mixed into the film cigarette smoke generates (ash mostly). It acts sort of like a glue, and those solid particles also contribute to the odor, but not as much as the sticky liquid parts.

Fabrics pick up this sort of odor very easily and will usually be the first things to start smelling like smoke, but others surfaces will also soak it in and develop enough of a film to keep the odor long term. The more porous a material is, the easier it retains the smoke odor.

Other smoke does this too. If you’ve ever been in a home after a large house fire, it has a very distinctive odor to it. The sheer volume of smoke creates enough of a film that it happens very quickly, and it is extremely hard to get rid of the smell.

Cigarette smoke takes a little longer to build up because it lacks the volume of smoke that something like a housefire will generate, but due to the sort of constant smoking most smokers do, it builds up faster than you might expect.

Basically, it’s the tar mostly, and other chemical vapors in cigarette smoke contribute, with the solid bits like ash that stick to it also contributing to a much lesser degree.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The nicotine in the cigarette is actually a pesticide. That chemical compound permeates things. Yes, a pesticide.