What is it about tobacco that causes its smoke to seep into walls and linger when other burnt plant material does not (at least not nearly to the same degree)?


Marijuana, smudging sage or cedar, paper, incense, etc have a pretty strong smell but they dissipate much faster than tobacco smoke especially cigar smoke

In: 652

64 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly, it’s frequency of use. I indulge in pipe tobacco and cigars, but not daily. The only time you can smell tobacco on me is the day I light up.

My wife and daughter use cannabis a couple or three times a day, and you can definitely smell it on them.

Use the other things you mentioned as frequently as one would cigarettes, and you would definitely have lingering odors.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nicotine is a relative small & oily molecule that can diffuse through alot of stuff, including your skin.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of the time the ciggarette vs weed conversation boils down to scale. 99.99% of weed smokers don’t consume as much as the average cigarette smoker, so the effects are more pronounced. If you smoked cigarettes 3 times a week or once a day, your house wouldn’t smell either. But most cigarette smokers don’t just have one ciggy a day

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nicotine is a relative small & oily molecule that can diffuse through alot of stuff, including your skin.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pipe tobacco doesn’t seem nearly as bad.

It doesn’t linger as long as cigarette smoke. Maybe it’s due to more natural compounds and less chemicals?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pipe tobacco doesn’t seem nearly as bad.

It doesn’t linger as long as cigarette smoke. Maybe it’s due to more natural compounds and less chemicals?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pipe tobacco doesn’t seem nearly as bad.

It doesn’t linger as long as cigarette smoke. Maybe it’s due to more natural compounds and less chemicals?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nothing in particular, it’s just frequency. Smoking a joint or two a night will definitely stain your walls,/impart some smel/etc. Smoking 3-4 cigs an hour….well. you get the picture.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nothing in particular, it’s just frequency. Smoking a joint or two a night will definitely stain your walls,/impart some smel/etc. Smoking 3-4 cigs an hour….well. you get the picture.

Anonymous 0 Comments
