What is it about tobacco that causes its smoke to seep into walls and linger when other burnt plant material does not (at least not nearly to the same degree)?


Marijuana, smudging sage or cedar, paper, incense, etc have a pretty strong smell but they dissipate much faster than tobacco smoke especially cigar smoke

In: 652

64 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

I would say it’s caused by the sheer frequency and prevalence of the smoke. People chain smoke all day in The same room so it stays filled with smoke and permeates for weeks months years.

You notice this in older buildings back when smoking was allowed. The smoke was constant and lingering.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Marijuana produces tar just as bad as tobacco does; the difference is smokers light up more heavily than potheads do. I used to smoke inside very heavily and it took over a year before I saw tar stains on the cieling. Now with marijuana you only burn about 1 or 2 cigarillos worth of plants per day so it will take a lot longer before you start seeing the tar.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I would say it’s caused by the sheer frequency and prevalence of the smoke. People chain smoke all day in The same room so it stays filled with smoke and permeates for weeks months years.

You notice this in older buildings back when smoking was allowed. The smoke was constant and lingering.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I would say it’s caused by the sheer frequency and prevalence of the smoke. People chain smoke all day in The same room so it stays filled with smoke and permeates for weeks months years.

You notice this in older buildings back when smoking was allowed. The smoke was constant and lingering.

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