What is it that makes low budget movies look “raw” while high budget look all more put together?


Every time I start a lower budget movie, I can instantly sense it in the sounds and video that everything just seems more “raw” like it was filmed on an iPhone or something. How come big budget movies don’t generally seem like this, a ton of post processing? Why can’t low budget folks do this?

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are a number of reasons, some of which have already been covered by u/Blahdyblahblahisme. While the technology is certainly available to lower budget productions, the experienced personal in the field are out of the price range. If you could get award winning camera operators, editors, sound mixers, and colour technicians to work for minimum wage, you could get a professional looking production at a budget price.
In fact, one of the professional digital editing packages (Davinci Resolve) is available for free. But the experience and knowledge to get the most out of it, is going to cost.

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