what is IUD and why it’s is used? Keep in mind in India women have no idea what tampons are, let alone IUD. Sanitary pad is the only option here


what is IUD and why it’s is used? Keep in mind in India women have no idea what tampons are, let alone IUD. Sanitary pad is the only option here

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20 Answers

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It’s a little device inserted into the cervix and placed in the uterus. It stands for Intra-uterine device.

There are copper kinds and hormonal kinds. Sperm don’t like copper, so they can’t swim by the IUD. Hormonal kinds thicken the cervical mucus and trap sperm so they can’t swim any further. Hormonal kinds also sometimes stop ovulation all together, so even if sperm managed to swim by, there is no egg waiting for them.

It’s used because some women find it preferable to contraceptive pills, or condoms, or other types of birth control. It’s inserted once, and you can generally forget about it until you need to get it replaced. Overall they are very reliable.

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