What is Machine Learning? What is Cluster Analysis and Dimensionality Reduction?


I understand quite a bit about technology but I never understood how machine learning works.

In: Technology

5 Answers

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So simplistically machine learning is when you create a program that “learns” from information that you provide. You can make it learn simple things like deciding whether a toy is a car or a doll, to use another comment’s example. The way that it works is you give it lots of pictures that you already know are cars/dolls. You tell it, “This is a car” or “This is a doll” for each one. Then it figures out what things are similar between all the car pictures and all the doll pictures and can use that information to decide whether the next picture is a car or doll.

Cluster analysis is just taking large amounts of information and putting it in boxes based on how similar the data is. Then you can choose just one of the data points in the cluster, and it’ll be a good example of the rest of the data. Dimensionality reduction basically just means if you have many different points of information (or dimensions) about something, like its position, speed etc. you can decide which points (dimensions) are more important based on for eg. how much the points change. A large change usually means that information is more important.

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