What is meant by a Chemical Equilibrium?


What is meant by a Chemical Equilibrium?

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4 Answers

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A chemical equilibrium is like a balance between different chemicals. Imagine you have a see-saw, on one side you have a big pile of blocks and on the other side you have a small pile of blocks. When you first put the blocks on, the see-saw is not balanced, one side is higher than the other. But over time, the blocks will shift around and eventually, the two sides will be level. This is like what happens in a chemical equilibrium.

In a chemical reaction, different chemicals are mixed together and they start to change into different chemicals. But as the reaction goes on, some of the new chemicals start to change back into the old chemicals. Eventually, there will be a balance where the same amount of the old chemicals and new chemicals are being made and destroyed. This balance is called chemical equilibrium.

To explain it simply, chemical equilibrium is like a balance between different chemicals, where the same amount of chemicals are being made and destroyed.

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