What is metamodernism exactly?


I have a buddy that talks a lot about metamodernism and I have really struggled to understand it. I have read many articles and watched many videos and still don’t really have a strong sense of what the hell it is!

Postmodernism and all previous philosophical movements/orientations make sense to me but I can’t wrap my head around this. I’ve searched on this subreddit and wasn’t satisfied with any of the explanations. Perhaps someone can provide an explanation and perhaps a piece of film/video that represents it?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

From reading the Wikipedia page, I’d describe it as a combination of the optimism of modernism with the cynicism of postmodernism. Not expecting old cliches to hold true while not entirely dismissing them either.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Meta usually has to do with being self-aware and self-referential. My guess is that metamodernism would be like post-post-modernism. I don’t know though. We should actually both just google it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Asked a painter I play table top games with.

She described it as “artist looking to re-integrate traditional standards for measurement of mastery from modernity back to the art domain use that term.”

There was a long rant about how post modernism’s reach has made the general public disregard art. She seems to think its a term for artist who want a label that separates them from the other “artist” who tape bananas to walls and sell it for 120k.