What is Micellar water?


What is Micellar water?

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4 Answers

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A micelle is a cluster of surfactant molecules dissolved in a liquid solution.

Surfactants are molecules that are attracted to the edges/surfaces of a body of liquid because half of them is attracted by the liquid and the other half is repulsed by it. The only place where half the molecule can be in the liquid and half can be out is at the surface of the liquid.

If there’s enough of them in the liquid, instead of sticking to the edges, they will cluster together into little globs called micelles. That way all the parts of the surfactant that repel the liquid can be close together and not be exposed to the water.

The most common example of this is soap dissolved in water at a certain concentration. But in principle many liquids have their own surfactants. You could have an alcohol surfactant or an ammonia surfactant etc.

So micellar water is just water with a little bit of soap in it at the right concentration.

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