What is Min-Maxing?


What is Min-Maxing?

In: Other

6 Answers

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As a general term in video games it’s playing the game in such a way that you’re achieving the best possible result in the most efficient way possible. The “goal” is something you set yourself, but once that’s set you’ll want to maximize the results for that goal. For example let’s say you’re playing a management game. Well, if your goal is to have as high of an income as possible then you will ignore anything that doesn’t directly give you income nor help you increase your income, while searching for the combination of things that will increase your income the most given the system you have.

If you’re playing a role playing game and your goal is “kill everything in one hit” then minmaxing would be setting your stats and gear so that everything is working towards increasing your damage output as high as possible while minimizing anything that doesn’t increase your damage output. You don’t need defense or health if your goal is to kill everything in a single hit, so you can safely ignore things that increase those stats: why would you need health or defense if you’ll never get hit. The other way can apply if your goal is “Become a human shield that nothing can kill”. Then you may want to up your defense and health to impossible values while ignoring anything that increases your damage output, because you won’t be fighting back anyway. Your goal is to stand there and take all the damage while your teammates kill the threat safely. And so on and so forth.

You set yourself a goal, a well defined goal, and then you maximize things that contribute to that goal while minimizing everything that doesn’t contribute to it in the most efficient manner that the game’s systems allow.

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