What is “mystery meat?” Is it synthetic meat? Is it legally allowed to be sold in the United States?


Burger King sells 10 chicken nuggets at $1.50. While I understand this is a “loss leader,” how are they still able to produce nuggets this cheaply? Is it made of fake meat or something? Are restaurants actually allowed to serve/sell fake meat?

In: Other

5 Answers

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“Mystery meat” is just a slang for stuff like Spam or chicken nuggets. And by that definition it’s legal to sell in the US. And no it isn’t synthetic meat. ([Though that is a thing now…](https://www.health.com/food/veggie-burger-beyond-burger-impossible-burger).)

All chicken nuggets are made from scraps of the stuff that isn’t pretty (so like skin, cartilage, ribs and spine). The scrap is tossed into a centrifuge-like machine that separates as much bone from meat as possible. The bones are removed, and the scraps are ground up with other bits like skins and cartilage and spices. The meat paste is shaped, breaded, then baked. It’s then generally shipped frozen to supermarkets.

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