what is physical property?


Physical bodies have a property called mass for example. But I dont understand what a property is and where it comes from.

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3 Answers

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It is a way of describing some aspect of that thing in reference to something else.

Say we have a thing in front of us, and we want to understand how it works. We want to see what it has in common with other things like it, and how it is different from other things. We also want to know how it behaves.

So we come up with “properties”; ways to describe different things about it. Like its “colour” or its “mass” or its “electric charge.” These are categories of labels that we can apply to things, ideally based on things that we can measure objectively, and ideally these are things that affect how the thing behaves.

And then we start grouping things with similar properties together, to make it easier to understand them and work with them.

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