What is “Projection” and how do humans not realize they are doing it to others?


What is “Projection” and how do humans not realize they are doing it to others?

In: 7

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I see the world through the lens of my experiences. I know other people are different than me, and see through their own lenses, but I don’t know what those are. Therefore, I’m going to assume that their lenses are like mine and assume they think like I think.

This is me “projecting” my biases on other people, which is a word when used elsewhere means “displaying an image of something on a different object”.

When used in a disparaging way, it involves assuming other people’s faults are the same as your faults.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Projection is when a person judges other people based on their own ideas and experiences.

Let’s say there’s a marriage and husband has romantic feelings towards a coworker. He’s not fine with it but he’s still close with the said coworker. Now, if this husband is insecure he will start to get jealous of his wives coworkers.

Because he was close with a coworker and he caught feelings, so he projects this to his wife and thinks that same thing would happen.

People don’t realize when they are doing this because not all people know what projection is, or themselves well enough. It’s an awareness thing and people are very much not aware of themselves.

Anonymous 0 Comments

it’s just assumption or prejudice by pairing like with like

brains can’t consider everything all the time so we apply historical knowledge to current situations for efficiency. when it has a negative effect we call it projection or prejudice, when it is useful we call it wisdom or experience. the trick is to use it but not rely on it. be aware that your assumptions can be wrong before acting on them. only use the guesses or instinct or gut or intuition as a warning, not a rule.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Projection is when you insinuate something about someone else that’s really true about yourself, like me claiming you eat poop