What is “protein oxidation” and why does it indicate “nutrient overload?”


I was reading an article about optimal protein intake, and it references a study in which a group that ate 1.10g/lb had more “protein oxidation” compared to the group that ate 0.64g/lb, to which the author said “indicated a nutrient overload”


I’m not questioning the validity of that conclusion, I just don’t really understand what it means. I googled “protein oxidation” but the answers I received were tied up in too much technical jargon for me to understand, suchas:

*”Protein oxidation is defined as the covalent modification of a protein induced either by the direct reactions with reactive oxygen species (ROS) or indirect reactions with secondary by-products of oxidative stress”*

I also don’t fully understand what nutrient overload means, but context clues suggest it just means “more nutrient than your body is able to make appropriate use of.”

I’d appreciate a dumbed down version of what this all means.

In: Biology

Anonymous 0 Comments

Oxidation is generally bad for health and longevity, which is why antioxidants in berries, etc. are a good thing.

This is basically saying, too much protein is bad for your health bc breaking down the excess protein ages you.

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