Hello! Person who has had psychosis in the past here
Psychosis is a period of time where the person experiencing it goes through an episode of not being able to perceive actual reality
This goes with positive symptoms which are the hallucinations, delusions and illogical or racing thoughts- these are all focused within the mind
The negative symptoms are shown in physical behavior, such as lack of pleasure, speaking with no sense and sometimes lack of movement.
There’s more symptoms in these categories but these are the fundamentals, for a person to be considered schizophrenic they need to have an ongoing psychosis episode lasting a larger period of time
I am not sure how much, I think it depends on what manual de psychiatrist studied on, due to the fact that I’ve had multiple psychosis episodes in a short period of time, but of short duration, and got diagnosed with /transitory psychosis/ which is just a way of telling I went through a phase of psychosis
If you or anyone reading has questions about taking antipsychotics as well, or just about psychosis, feel free to ask!
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