What is reimbursement?


I’m 16 years old and trying to get a therapist. My mom told be I need to make sure they’re covered by my health insurance. I haven’t had any luck finding a therapist that is covered by my insurance. I called one that wasn’t covered to see if they could help me out, and they told me about reimbursement, I can call my insurance and see if they can reimburse me for services by Out of Network providers. I don’t understand what any of this means, somebody please help

In: Other

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To “reimburse” is to pay someone back for something that they paid for that you were supposed to.

Like, if my job needs someone to buy more paper for the printer ASAP, I can go to the store, pay for it with my credit card, and then give the receipt to the company. Then the company will reimburse me, by paying me the money for what I spent on the printer, so it’s like the company paid for it all along.

What this means if that you would have to pay for the therapist, then your insurance would give you the money to either fully cover the cost, or partially, depending on their policies. Health insurance companies often have lists of doctors that they have deals with and are prepared to paid for, but some allow you to use doctors who aren’t on their lists, but you will have to send them the bill and they’d pay you back.

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