What is space time, how can dimensions be fused, and how is time a dimension?


What is space time, how can dimensions be fused, and how is time a dimension?

In: Physics

10 Answers

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Okay, other engineering student here.

From what my lecturers told me, space-time is a term used to describe how the 3rd and 4th dimensions are fused together in a “fabric”. Dimensions are “fused” in that they are linked together, one cannot happen without the other. Einstein’s Theory of Time Dilation helps explain this as well. Simplified video explanation [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuD34tEpRFw)

For the final one, you gotta go back. So the 0th dimension is a dot, but when you drag the dot in a line, it becomes the 1st dimension. drag that line along a different axis and now you have the 2nd dimension. drag that shape along another axis and you now have a 3D object. But how can you drag that object along another axis. Well, thats where the concept of time being the 4th dimension comes into play. Video also helps explain this around the 4 min mark.

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