What is Stoicism and how can people live like that?


What is Stoicism and how can people live like that?

In: Culture

5 Answers

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Stoicism is about being content with your life regardless of circumstances. The book “The Tao of Seneca” is a series of the stoic philosophies written by the man himself. Tim Ferris frequently talks about Stoicism on his podcast and in his books.

One thing that Seneca talks about in his letter to his friend is about “practicing poverty” so that if he ever loses his wealth, he will be just as happy and content as when he had it. There’s a quote that I love and keep in my life it goes roughly like this: “all the while asking myself: is this the condition that I most feared?”. This is what Seneca would ask himself while practicing poverty.

I recommend listening to the Tao of Seneca audio book. Just get volume 1 and see what you think 🙂

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