What is strange matter, and how do we know about it?


Obviously we haven’t gone and studied it physically, but I’m not sure how we even know it exists. Is is all theoretical?

In: Physics

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a hypothetical form of matter made from a stable form of Strange Quarks. We don’t know if it exists or not, it’s just that our current model of particle physics predicts it might exist, but our current model of particle physics is infamously incomplete so it might not exist. If it does exist, it only exists in the cores of Neutron Stars and would only be accessible to us when two of them explode and spill their guts everywhere, and even then, only if the idea that Strange Matter is stable outside high pressure environments is true. If it isn’t, we’d never know unless we made a device that could sample a Neutron Star or if we can make it in a Particle Accelerator.

Note that currently, evidence points to Strange Matter either not existing or not being stable outside high pressure environments because the most famous predicted property of Strange Matter is it turns anything it touches into Strange Matter, and because Neutron Star collisions are a thing and not that rare, you’d expect a piece of Strange Matter, no matter how small, to reach Earth and turn it into a Strange Matter goup ball unless it doesn’t exist. can’t exist outside of Neutron Stars, or is mind boggingly rare.

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