What is superposition?


Somebody already asked this question ([here](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/26uzgu/eli5_quantum_mechanics_superpositions/)), but I did not really understand the explanation, and the post was archived so I can’t ask for a more detailed explanation.

In: Physics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t remember where I saw this explanation but here it goes (it also explains the quantum entanglement).  Let’s say you have a new pair of socks. Before you put them on, both socks can be both left and right at the same time but they are neither until determined (both are in superposition) but as soon as you put one of them on (for example on your right foot), the other one immediately becomes the opposite (left). You cannot know which one is which before you put one of them on and both of them can be right or left with equal probability and as soon as you determine one of them, the other one also gets determined immediately and becomes the opposite of the first one.

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