What is technology?


What is technology?

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4 Answers

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Let’s say you do something regularly, a hobby maybe. Let’s use carpentry as an example. Because you do it so much, you begin to understand how it works. And because you understand it, you’ll adapt to new situations and you’ll come up with new ways of doing it. That’s technology: the understanding of how it works.

Currently technology is used to mean “something with computers”, but that’s because the invention of the computer meant that processes that had to deal with a lot of information (and I mean A LOT) can be simplified by their use. This is important to understand, because there are a lot of situations where it’s argued that a certain thing (an app, a machine) is more technological than the current method, while in fact we have to understand how the process work to see if it’s actually advantageous. Paper is a prime example, there are applications where a more electronic solution may not be worth.

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