What is that heartbreaking, feeling of shrinking we feel when we are crying or sad?


What is that heartbreaking, feeling of shrinking we feel when we are crying or sad?

In: Biology

Anonymous 0 Comments

well, the brain wants you to avoid certain things happening. for example, if you break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend, you may end up feeling lonely. back when humans had to hunt and fight to survive, being lonely ment that you wouldn’t survive as likey as you would being with someone else or being in a group. so your brain releases chemicals that make you sad, so you avoid being alone. being “sad” is your brain trying to get you to not do something, as it was very important when trying to survive. however in a developed society, this does more harm than good. it makes sense when you think about it, as we feel sad when you break up with someone, (can’t work together or reproduce), fail at something, or someone dies. it is simply because your brain has one main purpose- to survive.

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