what is that sinking/sickly feeling you get in your chest when thinking of losing something dear/going through a breakup?


Title says it all, we all know the feeling but why do we physically feel the pain in our bodies?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In other words a panic attack. Your panicking. Your brain is stressed and your body doesn’t know how to respond and so is over responding in the only way it knows how. There are ways to get through it. If I’m at home I will take a shower with lots of cold water on my face to trigger the mammalian dive reflex.. this will slow your heart and breathing. If I’m out I will focus on making myself sleepy or tired by yawning a lot. Again this interrupts the stressed breathing and can relax your mind and body. If I’m busy with something I try to distract myself from it by focusing on getting through the attack and answering simple questions to distract my mind (what do I want to eat tonight, what shows do I want to watch, how might I solve a world problem). The worst part is the diarrhea though.. nothing you can do other than go to the bathroom and let it out.. it just makes it worse if you can’t get to a bathroom.

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